Getting an Employment Lawyer for Delivery Drivers Misclassification

There are many reasons why an employer could misclassify employees, and often when it happens, it all ends in legal suits. In May 2020, California sued Lyft and Uber over the alleged misclassification of their drivers as independent contractors. Some misclassifications are arguable as erroneous occurrences or unclear understanding of labor laws, but most employers are just up to save a coin.

The employment law accords employees of several rights and benefits that do not accrue to independent contractors. Therefore, next time your employer lists you as an independent contractor, you better confirm that it’s where you belong.

Like the Uber and Lyft drivers, if your employer has misclassified you, it’s time to take the battle. You only need to arm yourself with the best employment lawyer for delivery driver misclassification, and you are good to go. Here is your easy way to finding one.

Approach a Professional Association

It’s always good to engage a legal professional in legal battles, although not all lawyers can work it out. Besides, they have different specialization, and you need to be sure you get help from a sector-specific professional.

At the professional association, you are sure to have access to a pool of employment lawyers. You can pick a few names and contacts for further evaluation and see who to engage.

Consult Friends and Family

You may not have a friend or relative with employment laws background, but trust me, some of them can be quite helpful. Some may have had similar cases before, or know of friends with expertise in labor laws.

Consider talking to them and see if you can get references. Besides, a referral from a friend or family member is one you can trust.

Do Your Homework

You may have all the people to help out, but you still need to work some parts out for yourself. After getting referrals and contacts for potential attorneys, it’s time to do your homework. Make sure your preferred attorney has a personality that makes you comfortable to work with him. Communication is critical to your case’s success, so ensure you feel free to share your details.

Assess their Reputation

A client is bound to feel confident, leaving a case in the hands of a reputable professional employment lawyer. Your potential lawyers may all have the same qualifications, but the performance and success in cases differ.

Assessing their reputations helps in knowing the industry gurus and the negatively perceived lawyers so that you can avoid them.

 Does the Lawyer Reside from Around?

You may need to meet up with your attorney even before agreeing to the representation. The initial meetings are necessary as it’s when you can assess the personality, communication skills, and ask your questions.

However, as much as it is essential, you do not need to burden yourself or the attorney with long journeys. Save the struggle by picking an attorney from within your hometown.

Legal battles are not the best of experiences for anyone. Most victims bear with periods of anxiety as the outcome is, in most cases, uncertain. However, the best lawyer can make everything feel comfortable even in your hardest case.


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