Why You May Need a Cochlear Implant Lawyer

If you or a loved one has ever needed or had a cochlear implant, it is important to be aware that recalls on the devices have happened.  Some reports have even been made that users of a defective cochlear implant have experienced painful shocking sensations.  This is quite frightening, especially if it happens to a user that is still a child.

What can happen if your cochlear implant is defective?

As mentioned before, painful shocking sensations have been reported.  However, there are many other things that can go wrong with a defective cochlear implant, which is why it would be beneficial to contact a cochlear implant lawyer.

  • Loss of communication and hearing
  • Social isolation
  • Balance issues
  • Frustration of periods of on and off functionality before the device fails entirely

Many of these defects can actually snowball and create worse effects.  It starts with loss of communication and hearing and that will lead to social isolation.  Social isolation can cause depression and anxiety.  This is not something you want to brush off, especially if the user is a child.

Additionally, balance issues could also lead to falls and hospital visits.  Hiring a cochlear implant lawyer could potentially stop any injuries.

I’ve already had my cochlear implant removed

Even if you’ve already had a cochlear implant removed, you could still gain compensation with the help of a cochlear implant lawyer.  The manufacturer of the defective device will have to perform a series of tests in order to determine the reason the device failed.  It is absolutely critical that you contact the cochlear implant lawyer as soon as you can once this happens.

Why the rush?

Time is of the essence because you have a limited timeframe to file after the device is removed due to applicable statutes of limitation.  The cochlear implant lawyer will want to evaluate the claim and preserve your legal rights as soon as they can possibly do so.  Some consultations on the subject may even be free.  You can look around to find the best cochlear implant lawyer for you or your loved one.

Cochlear implant recalls have been happening quite often as of late.  They have been happening as recently as 2020 with the Advanced Bionics recall. Reports were made of low impedances and reports of hearing performance degradation.  This is not something that any cochlear implant user should take lightly.

Author bio- Barbara Parson has been involved with personal injury and burn injury lawsuits for the past twelve years and wants to share her knowledge with others.

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