Major Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents You Should Know About

You may have heard about slip and fall accidents, but you keep wondering, what causes these eventualities. Some of the causes are things you know while others are not usual. Either way, it is important to be aware of the factors. You may be able to take care of yourself when you have the knowledge.

Furthermore, when you get into an accident and you identify the cause, you will know when to contact your slip and fall accident attorney in Los Angeles to help you claim compensation.

Raised Working Spaces

If you work in an office, you may not usually experience an elevated workspace because all you need is an office desk and chair. Then you will be able to perform your responsibilities efficiently. But, imagine someone working in the construction industry? It involves climbing ladders and working on uneven surfaces.

Such grounds may lead to accidents, especially if an employer does not provide protective working gear. Therefore, if you work in construction or other areas where uneven surfaces are common, you should have an attorney or contacts to a reliable one who you may reach out to for help.

Adverse Weather

Adverse weather is another common cause of slip and fall accidents that can leave you with a concussion. The winter season is a major cause of the incidences. It involves snow falling on every surface. And the ice that forms thereafter can easily cause accidents whether at work, home or at the shopping mall.

Property owners are required to take action to shovel the snow away if they are expecting customers or employees to visit their premises. Therefore, do not fail to take action when you get injured in a property where the owner has neglected your safety.

Lack of Efficient Training

As an employee working in a high-risk industry or work environment, you have a right to be trained by the employer. The hirer should train you on how to use equipment and tools safely. They should also show you how to take care of yourself using safety equipment and other gear that may help.

If an employer fails to train you well and you ask for another training and find that it is not forthcoming, you should not blink when it comes to taking action against the company.

Wet Floors

It is obvious that you can easily slip on a wet floor. Therefore, you should always keep the floors dry within your workspace. Even at home, a wet floor is very dangerous, hence, always ensure it is dry.

In case it will take time to dry out the floor, you should be careful how you walk. Also, you should notify other people about the situation so that they may be aware of it. Failure to do so at work may lead to accidents that would have been avoided.


Neglect is not a common cause. However, in areas such as care homes for the elderly who have mobility issues, neglect can lead to slip and fall accidents. And when it happens to you or a close family member, you should not hesitate to find an attorney to take over your case.

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