What to Do If Illness or Injury Prevents You from Working

Experiencing an illness or injury that puts you out of work can be incredibly debilitating. Not only does it affect your way of life, it also puts a great strain on your finances, especially if you have dependents. If you work in manual labour, then the risks of having an accident are higher. Not only this, but you stand the greatest chance of being put out of work in the event of an injury, as your work is physical. In more serious cases, you may be put out of work for months on end, or even prevented from doing the work you are trained for permanently. In the event of something like this, you may be eligible to make a TPD claim.

What is a TPD Claim?

TPD stands for ‘Total and Permanent Disability’. A successful TPD claim entails being issued a lump sum or regular payments in the event of a severe illness or injury that is affecting your ability to do your job or preventing you from returning to work. TPD payments are usually linked to your superannuation fund – the retirement fund that your employer is legally required to pay into each month. In most cases, this fund can only be accessed after you reach the age of 65, however a TPD claim can grant early access to this money.

Who Can Make a Claim?

Different policies cover different things, which is why this question will rely heavily on the terms and conditions of your specific policy. Generally, if a serious ongoing illness or injury is unpreventably stopping you from returning to work, then you will have a case. Some policies cover mental illness as well as physical, such as depression and anxiety. The injury or illness does not need to have occurred at work or be proven to be caused by work in order to be valid.

How Do You Make a Claim?

When making a TPD claim, you will need to acquire the necessary documentation from your superannuation fund. You will also need to provide medical evidence of your condition, including reports which prove that you are unable to continue working. In order to ensure that you provide evidence which is strong enough to support your claim, it is advisable to seek the counsel of a lawyer, who can take on your case for you and also ensure that you get the best pay-out possible. In the event of a mental illness claim, a lawyer can be especially helpful, as you may not have the capacity to gather the evidence yourself and the level of evidence required is far more complex and intricate. If your claim is successful, then you will receive benefits alongside early access to your superannuation fund. The claims process usually takes between one to three months, depending on the complexity of the case.

If you are prevented from working as a result of a serious illness or injury, then TPD could provide the support you need to get by. By having an experienced lawyer on board, you can make a solid claim that will get you the benefits you are entitled to.


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