This Is What You Should Do After a Motorcycle Accident

You’ve just been in a motorcycle crash and your mind’s racing with countless questions.

Who’s at fault? What are the physical damages? Will my insurance premium increase? What are my legal rights?

Before you grow increasingly overwhelmed, it’s essential to stay calm and follow the proper steps. By taking the correct course of action, you’ll mitigate further injuries, damages, and financial losses.

Keep reading to learn what to do after a motorcycle accident.

Call the Police

First, you should immediately call 911 after the accident occurs. When the police arrive, assess the damages to determine if you’ll need to file a police report.

The police will obtain their own records of the accident. Calling the police to the scene of the accident is an essential step in building a case.

Keep Your Safety Gear On

After a motorcycle accident, your first instinct may be to remove your safety gear. However, this can worsen existing injuries.

The adrenaline from an accident often prevents motorists from feeling initial pain. Removing a helmet right away can aggravate undetected head, neck, and back injuries.

Seek Medical Help

As soon as you experience a crash, it’s imperative to seek medical attention. Even if you don’t notice symptoms, you must get a medical examination to rule out existing injuries.

Oftentimes, serious injuries can take hours, days, and even weeks to fully appear. Common injuries include broken bones and internal bleeding.

Never Admit Fault

Under no circumstance should you admit fault for the accident. Even if you’re to blame, never apologize to the other motorists involved.

Often in an accident, there are other factors that contributed to the crash. If you admit fault, you’re admitting that you’re legally responsible for the incurred damages. Apologizing will also place a legal responsibility on your insurance company.

Obtain Contact Information

In 2018, approximately 54% of motorcycle accidents involved two vehicles. Once everyone involved in the crash is safe, you’ll need to get each person’s contact information.

This includes their full names, phone numbers, addresses, insurance information, and license numbers. It’s also helpful to gather contact information from witnesses if any are present.

Record Evidence

Next, document the accident. Photo evidence is key to developing a successful case.

Take clear, precise photographs of the damages incurred. Then, take detailed, written notes.

File an Insurance Claim

Contact your insurance company afterward to file a claim. You’ll be asked to provide the contact information you gathered.

You’ll also need to provide your insurance company with the recorded evidence. While speaking with your insurance company, always refrain from admitting fault.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The sooner you contact a motorcycle accident lawyer after a crash, the better chances you’ll have of recovery. A motorcycle lawyer will investigate and uncover key facts to support your case.

They’ll fight to get you fair compensation for your physical and financial damages.

Know the Protocol

If you’re involved in a motorcycle accident, you must follow proper protocol to mitigate your losses. File a police report, seek medical help, contact your insurance company, and consult with a motorcycle accident attorney to build an impactful case today.

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