How to Track the Trend of Crime on a Generational Basis

Are you aware that crime is one of the many things that we change our perspective on from generation to generation? Have you ever wondered why this may be? It seems that many things that we take for granted as being “common knowledge” are really generational viewpoints that literally change before our very eyes as the emphasis switches to a new breed of people

Our attitudes toward crime, as well as the very crimes that are committed, seem to also follow this obscure but fascinating pattern. But how can we track these crimes in order to make sense of them? One way is to use the power of the world wide web to list them and then arrange them in a number of specific patterns. Crimes committed by members of each generation can certainly be one of them.

There’s an Amazing New Way to Track Where and When Crimes are Committed

Did you know that there is a whole new way to track just where and when new crimes are committed? You can make use of the new Intelius system to track the lives and crimes of three distinct generations of American citizens. By compiling these stats and then making reference to them at your leisure, you just may be able to pick up on a few very interesting and revealing trends that you may never have known existed,

First, you have Generation X, born between 1966 and 1976. Then comes the so-called Generation Y, comprised of citizens who were born between 1977 and 1994. Finally, there is Generation Z – alias, the “Millennials” – who were born between 1995 and 2012. Once you know which of these three main generational pools someone comes from, you can track them much easier.

Are There Reasons You May Need to Track Generational Crime Statistics?

As you read this article, you may be wondering what the point of using compiled statistics to track crime by generation may be. But as it turns out, this data can be very useful indeed to a large of number of people in many different walks of life. It’s a cinch that the police are using felony statistics to build a larger and more coherent picture of crime trends.

Sociologists and mental health experts also have a need to amass and then reference crime statistics of this kind. When you have a grasp on the kind of crimes that people of a certain generation commit, you suddenly have an insight into who they are and what makes them tick. This is a fascinating new area of study that promises to prove extremely revealing and useful in the future.

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