How to Evaluate University Options for Your Kids

Starting a university program is a huge step. There are so many factors to consider and the decisions you make can have a lifetime of impact in terms of career success and satisfaction. If you or your child is beginning to plan where to go to university, here are important things to consider, first.

Field of Study

In the past, a university education was considered enough to establish a good career. Now that more people from around the world, the competition for good jobs has become tough, even for university graduates. This means the choice of university degree is now extremely important.

Gone are the days when students were expected to start university and then figure out what to major in, later. Critical studies for each degree start the first year, giving no time to change university programs after starting school. Science-based studies, in particular, build upon the foundation of entry-level courses offered the first year in school. Switching to a different degree program later means considerable additional time and costs to complete school.

International Options

The world of business and science have become increasingly international. That means to be a leader in a particular field, international experience and bilingual language skills may be required. Attending an internationally recognized university may also be vital. In order to be competitive, many students opt to attend university in a different country or city. For example, prospective students might consider immigration to the UK so they can attend a university there (read more).

Another advantage to attending university in another country is this can option up different career prospects. Graduated students can hope for job offers in both their home countries and the country in which they attended school.

School vs. Real Life

One problem with selecting a field of study in school is that studying a specific subject matter may be quite different from working in that field. Extroverts can be bored by university studies comprised primarily of reading, lectures, and exams. People who love academic studies may find themselves deeply unhappy once they begin working in their field.

One way to reduce the chance to picking the wrong field of study is to do considerable research into careers in the field prior to starting a university program. Check for internship programs where there is a chance to learn and witness the industry in person. Contact people currently working in the field to see if they will provide insight or even a chance to observe a few typical work days. Find out the range of careers associate with a particular field of study and the job prospects for each.

Although all this investigation requires considerable time and effort, it should pay off with a more successful university experience and better career prospects. Even aptitude testing could be helpful in comparing the prospective student’s personality and aptitudes with potential careers. In the end, doing more work ahead of time should reduce university costs and increase potential job earnings. This means that a little work now could provide tremendous returns over the long run.

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